GTranslator – In place web page translation tool with Google Translate

Posted October 13th, 2010 in Javascript by Florentin

What is GTranslator

If you have ever spent more time browsing though non English web page with the help of Google Translate you most noticed some downsides, most common being the one where Google Translate don’t work on some pages.
To make translations easy and on the fly, I wrote this GreaseMonkey (a Firefox addon) script called GTranslator. It uses Google Translate to replace the text inside the web pages with the appropriate translated versions.


In order to use this tool you’ll be needing Firefox with the GreaseMonkey addon installed.
You just have to open a Firefox instance, visit the tool’s page GTranslator and click on the “Install” button.
After installation, you will have to access the GreaseMonkey menu “Manage User Scripts” and include some pages for which the translation tool will be available.
This “included pages” codes enable the tool for all Swedish, Danish or German, pages

How it works

There are a couple of shortcuts available:
F8 redirects the loaded url to translate.google.com
F9 translates the current page
F10 enables/disables the auto translation. When automatic translations are enabled the tool translates the text without any user intervention.

Make sure you have enabled the tool for the current TLD (e.g. *.de/*) or specific websites by accessing the “Manage User Scripts” of the GreaseMonkey extension.

If you like the script don’t forget to rate and comment on http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/74306 :)

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